PROJECT HERMES Electronic Dissemination of U.S. Supreme Court Decisions Project Hermes was started in May 1990 by the U.S. Supreme Court as an experiment in disseminating its opinions electronically. Case Western Reserve University was one of the participants in the pilot project. In the Fall of 1992, the Court decided that the experiment in electronic dissemination of it's opinions was successful. Starting with the 1993 calendar year, the U.S. Supreme Court began disseminating opinions electronically on an official basis. CWRU will continue to electronically receive and distribute the opinions of the Court. The U.S. Supreme Court distributes its opinions in both WordPerfect and ASCII text formats. CWRU makes both forms of the distribution available via FTP to users who have access to the Internet on host FTP.CWRU.Edu. The ASCII text versions are accessible in bulletin board form via Usenet News and also online via the Cleveland Free-Net.